october 16 - october 21 // 2022

Vladimir Burkanov
Chief Scientist, North Pacific Wildlife Consulting
Master’s Degree in Marine Mammal Studies in 1980 at the Kirov Agriculture Institute, Russia.
Ph.D. in Environmental Studies and Ecology of Marine Mammals in 1990 from the All-Union Research Institute of Evolution, Ecology and Morphology of Animals of the Academy of Science of USSR in Moscow
Before starting NPWC with Mr. Calkins in 2002, Dr. Burkanov worked for the Federal Committee of Fisheries of Russia in the Kamchatka region on the conservation of marine mammal and fish resources, and the collection of fisheries data. Additional to these duties, he was involved in the development of the Russian satellite vessel monitoring system, and oversaw fishery regulations and fishery enforcement in the Russian Far East, including the Bering Sea. He served as a member of the Russian Far East Fishery Management Council (1995-1999) and the Scientific-Advisory Council on Marine Mammals of the Interdepartmental Ichthyological Commission of Russia (1984 to present). He has been a member of the Russian Marine Mammal Council since it was formed in 1995, the Society for Marine Mammalogy since 1993 and IUCN Pinniped Specialist Group since 1992.
Vladimir’s specific areas of expertise include marine mammal ecology, conservation, and fishery management in the Far-East Seas of Russia. Additionally, he focuses on the distribution, abundance, and conservation of marine mammals in the North Pacific with a primary emphasis on Steller sea lions, ice-associated seals, sea otters, walrus, and harbor seals.